• Responsible for the Treatment: CARNAVAL TOUR SL

  • VAT NUMBER: B29099827

  • Avda. Isabel Manoja, 7 TORREMOLINOS

  • Contact email:


By accepting this Privacy Policy, the User is informed and gives his informed, express, free and unequivocal consent that the personal data provided through the forms on the website located at:

(hereinafter, the "Website") will be processed by CARNAVAL TOUR SL.

CARNAVAL TOUR SL will not be responsible for data processing carried out through websites that are not the responsibility of CARNAVAL TOUR SL.


The data requested in the forms on the Web Site are, in general, mandatory (unless otherwise specified in the required field) in order to fulfill the established purposes. Therefore, if they are not provided or are not provided correctly, the requests made by the User cannot be fulfilled, without prejudice to the free visualization of the content of the Web Site.


REGISTRATION AGENCIES AND SUPPLIERS: The personal data provided through the registration form for both agencies and suppliers will be processed by CARNAVAL TOUR SL according to the following purposes:

They will be treated with the purpose of managing the request for information as an Agency or Supplier on the platform of CARNAVAL TOUR SL. Your data will be kept for the duration of the business relationship with CARNAVAL TOUR SL, and in any case for the legally established periods.

WORK WITH US: The personal data provided through the form Work with Us, will be processed by CARNAVAL TOUR SL according to the following purposes:

Job applications will be registered in order to manage future selection processes of CARNAVAL TOUR SL. These data will be kept for a maximum period of 2 years or until the revocation of your consent.


In relation to the REGISTRY AGENCIES AND SUPPLIERS, CARNAVAL TOUR SL will treat the following data:

  • Identification data: name, surname, etc.

  • Contact information: e-mail, telephone number, etc.

In connection with the WORK WITH US form available on the Web Site:

  • Identification data: name, surname, etc.

  • Contact information: e-mail, telephone number, etc.

  • Professional, academic, employment and personal circumstances: qualifications, professional experience, profession and position.

In the event that the User provides data of third parties, he/she declares to have the consent of the same and undertakes to transfer the information contained in the Privacy Policy, exempting CARNAVAL TOUR SL from any liability in this regard. However, CARNAVAL TOUR SL may carry out periodic verifications to verify this fact, adopting the corresponding due diligence measures, in accordance with data protection regulations.


  • The processing of data related to the REGISTRATION OF AGENCIES AND SUPPLIERS of CARNAVAL TOUR SL is based on the commercial relationship and provision of services offered by CARNAVAL TOUR SL.

  • The processing of data relating to the form WORK WITH US of CARNAVAL TOUR SL is based on the consent given at the time of sending the data through the form.

Please note that you may withdraw your consent at any time and that withdrawal of consent will not affect the lawfulness of the processing carried out prior to its withdrawal.


Your data may only be communicated to:

  • Public administrations in the cases provided by law.

  • Courts and Security Forces in the cases required by law.

  • Bank Entities in case of direct debit, transfers, etc.


No international data transfers are made.

This Web Site is hosted within the European Union.


The User:

  • That the data provided to CARNAVAL TOUR SL are true, accurate, complete and up to date. For these purposes, the User is responsible for the veracity of all the data he/she communicates and shall keep the information provided conveniently updated, in such a way that it corresponds to his/her real situation.

  • You guarantee that you have informed the third parties from whom you provide your data, if you do so, of the aspects contained in this document. It also guarantees that it has obtained your authorization to provide your data to CARNAVAL TOUR SL for the aforementioned purposes.

  • You will be responsible for any false or inaccurate information you provide through the Website and for any damages, direct or indirect, that this may cause to CARNAVAL TOUR SL or third parties.

  • CARNAVAL TOUR SL will not collect or process data from children under 18 years of age.


One of the purposes for which CARNAVAL TOUR SL processes the personal data provided by the Users is to send them the NEWSLETTER with information regarding all the news and services of CARNAVAL TOUR SL relevant to the Users. Whenever any such communication is made, it will be addressed solely and exclusively to those Users who have expressly given their consent.

In case the User wishes to stop receiving electronic communications for this purpose from CARNAVAL TOUR SL, he/she can request the cancellation of the service by sending an email to the following address:


We use social networks such as Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin in order to publish information of interest to our users.

The personal data that you may provide to CARNAVAL TOUR SL through social networks, will be treated in accordance with the provisions of this privacy policy.


The User can contact CARNAVAL TOUR SL by writing to the address Avda. Isabel Manoja, 7 TORREMOLINOS, with the reference "Data Protection" or by sending an e-mail to the following address

at any time, at any time, to:

  • To revoke the consents granted.

  • Obtain confirmation as to whether or not CARNAVAL TOUR SL is processing personal data concerning the User.

  • Access to your personal data.

  • Rectify inaccurate or incomplete data.

  • Request the deletion of your data.

  • Obtain from CARNAVAL TOUR SL the limitation of data processing when any of the conditions provided for in the data protection regulations are met.

  • In certain circumstances and for reasons related to your particular situation to the processing of your data (in particular, for commercial purposes by CARNAVAL TOUR SL), you may object to the processing of your data. CARNAVAL TOUR SL will stop processing the data, except for compelling legitimate reasons, or the exercise or defense of possible claims.

  • To obtain human intervention, to express your point of view and to challenge automated decisions taken by CARNAVAL TOUR SL.

  • Request the portability of your data.

  • File a complaint regarding the protection of your personal data before the corresponding supervisory authority (in the case of Spain, the Spanish Data Protection Agency).

The exercise of the aforementioned rights will be conditioned to the fulfillment of the requirements provided by the regulations in force at any given time for their attention.


CARNAVAL TOUR SL will treat the User's data at all times confidentially and will keep the mandatory duty of secrecy with respect to them, in accordance with the provisions of the applicable regulations, adopting for this purpose the necessary technical and organizational measures to ensure the security of your data and avoid its alteration, loss, treatment or unauthorized access, taking into account the state of technology, the nature of the data stored and the risks to which they are exposed.

The Information Security Management System of CARNAVAL TOUR SL, aims to provide its services under high security standards to ensure the confidentiality, availability and integrity of data stored and processed in their information systems.

To achieve this objective, our organization is aware of the need to adequately manage the security of the information it handles, taking as a reference its three dimensions: confidentiality, integrity and availability.

Therefore, CARNAVAL TOUR SL has decided to implement an Information Security Management System (ISMS) aligned with the UNE ISO/IEC 27001:2007 standard.

The specific objectives of the Information Security Management System Policy are:

  • Availability: To ensure that the information contained in our information systems is always available to personnel who require it.

  • Integrity: To preserve the truthfulness, completeness and accuracy of the information related to customers and reservations.

  • Confidentiality: To ensure that the information is only accessed by those who have the respective authorization and that there are no leaks or unwanted accesses.

In addition, as particular and detailed objectives, which are closely related to the descriptive aspects of our organization, our entity intends to achieve the following detailed objectives with the implementation of the ISMS:

  • To provide our hotel reservation services, guaranteeing the appropriate levels of confidentiality of our clients' data.

  • Prevent improper access to customer data.

  • To guarantee the confidentiality of reservations made by our customers.

  • Comply in the scope of our activities with the terms and security standards required by current legislation on the Protection of Personal Data.

CARNAVAL TOUR SL, implements and maintains policies and procedures to manage service providers. This procedure includes:

  • Maintaining an up-to-date list of suppliers.

  • The maintenance of a written agreement that includes a confirmation that service providers are responsible for the security of cardholder data - The implementation of a process to adequately perform due diligence prior to engaging a service provider.

  • Periodic monitoring and control of the compliance status of service providers.

Last performance: May 15, 2019.


This cookie policy (hereinafter, the "Cookie Policy") is an integral part of the Legal Notice and Data Protection Policy of (hereinafter, the "Website"). Accessing and browsing the Web Site, or the use of its services, implies acceptance of the terms and conditions set forth in the Legal Notice and in the Data Protection Policy.

In order to facilitate your navigation through the Website, owned by, hereinafter "CARNAVAL TOUR SL" domiciled in Avda. Isabel Manoja, 7 TORREMOLINOS, with CIF B29099827, (hereinafter, the "Provider"), informs you that it uses Cookies or other files of similar functionality (hereinafter, the "Cookies").

In any case, we inform you that the Provider is responsible for the Cookies and the processing of data obtained through its own and third party Cookies, deciding on the purpose, content and use of the processing of the information collected.

What is a Cookie?

Cookies are files containing small amounts of information that are downloaded to the user's device when visiting a web page. Its main purpose is to recognize the user each time he/she accesses the Web Site, allowing, in addition, to improve the quality and offer a better use of the Web Site.

Cookies are essential for the operation of the Internet; they do not damage the user's equipment/device and, if enabled in your browser settings, help to identify and resolve possible errors in the operation of the Website.

By using this Web Site you consent to the processing of your information by the Provider in the manner and for the purposes set out above.

Provider's Use of Cookies

By accessing the Website, you expressly accept the use of this type of Cookies on your devices. If you disable Cookies, your browsing of the Web Site may not be optimal and some of the utilities available on the Web Site may not work properly.

Specifically, the Provider is using Cookies for the purposes set out below. If in the future the Provider uses others for the purpose of providing more and better services, the user shall be informed thereof.

By using this Web Site you consent to the processing of your information in the manner and for the purposes indicated above.

What kind of cookies does this website use?

- Analysis Cookies: These are those that enable the monitoring and analysis of user behavior on our website. The information collected is used to measure user activity on the website and to create user browsing profiles in order to improve the website, as well as the products and services offered.

- Personalization Cookies: These are those that allow us to adapt the navigation on our website to your preferences (eg. Language, browser used, ... etc)

- Technical Cookies: This type of cookies allow the user to navigate through a website, platform or application and the use of the different options or services that exist in it such as, for example, control traffic and data communication, identify the session, access restricted access parts, remember the elements that make up an order, make the buying process of an order, make the application for registration or participation in an event, use security features while browsing, store content for broadcasting videos or sound or share content through social networks.

- Advertising Cookies: These are those that allow the effective management of advertising spaces included on the web based on criteria such as content or frequency at which the ads are displayed.

- Behavioral Advertising Cookies: These are those that allow the effective management of advertising spaces included on the web, based on the behavior of users obtained through the continuous observation of their browsing habits, allowing the development of a specific profile to display advertising based on the same.

- Own Cookies:

These are those that we send to your computer or terminal from our website.

- Third Party Cookies: These are those that are sent to your computer or terminal from a domain or web page that is not managed by us, but by another entity that processes the data obtained through the cookies.

- Session Cookies: These are a type of cookies designed to collect and store data while you access our website.

- Persistent Cookies: These are a type of cookies in which the data remains stored in the terminal and can be accessed and processed for a certain period of time, which can range from a few minutes to several years.

Who uses cookies?

The cookies used on this website are used by the legal responsible of this website and by the following services or service providers:

How can I disable or delete Cookies?

Thus, you can block Cookies through the browser's configuration tools, or you can configure your browser to warn you when a server wants to save a Cookie:

  1. If you use Microsoft Internet Explorer, you will find the option in the menu Tools > Internet Options > Privacy > Settings. To learn more visit



  2. If you use Firefox, you will find the option in the Tools menu > Options > Privacy > Cookies. To learn more visit


  3. If you use Chrome, in the Options section > Advanced Options > Privacy. To learn more visit

  4. If you use Opera, in the Security and Privacy option, you can configure the browser. To learn more visit

  5. If you use Safari you will find the option in the Preferences/Privacy menu. More information at:

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